Monday, March 24, 2008

Fine Ass Common Talks About Rev. Wright

(Jesus Christmas. If that ain't a F.B.M. (fin black man) I DON'T KNOW WHO IS!!)

Common, the finest man in the rap game, (no really though) also attended the church of the now famous Reverend Wright of Chicago and shares his thoughts on what he took from his sermons.

“He never really was against white people or another race. It was more against an establishment that was oppressing people. I think we all can see that this country has problems and a lot of it starts in the political system,” ….. “What I picked up from being in the pews … was messages of love. Anything that was going against that love he would acknowledge and expose.”

It's wild that the shady Clinton camp is trying to compare Rev. Wright's comments to that of KKK rhetoric. Amazing how shit can get spun. Don't buy it though folks. I'm reposting one his sermons in "question" here and I'll be damned if he's preaching hate. Sounds more like the truth to me and as Gloria Steinhem said, "The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off." Folks don't never know how to handle the truth and all this reactionary madness to try to thwart Obama's movement to the top of the Democratic ticket is preposterous! In the word's of good ol' Bob, "DON'T LET THEM FOOL YA!!!"


Anonymous said...

I donno about him equating Jesus and Obama, that's reaching on so many levels...least of all being Jesus wasn't even black he was Jewish(Middle-eastern). Anyway...Fox News seem to be the ones trying to keep this story going so that Repubs can take back the White house. Like damn, can we go back to the issues facing our country and not what some pastor said? You can go through any pastors sermons & find "controversial" statements. Last time I checked its Obama running not Wright & Obama said he didnt agree with those statements, yet the media keep pushing the story.


Hmmm lol "Politics only gets me fired up. Religion Gets Me Confused" no Comment.

Anonymous said...

I feel Rev. Wright's comments and I KNOW they are true...and the Clinton bull shit is the Clinton bull...shout out to Common for standing up for his boy Obama (and Rev. Wright)...CHI TOWN...

Anonymous said...

Okay, he speaking on some history.

Anonymous said...

Okay, he speaking on some history.

Anonymous said...

good lord Common is Fine!! yes.

Anonymous said...

Speak on Common
hmmm but really peeps need to respect the name Jesus or Yshur more stop using in vain