Monday, March 24, 2008

Guilty Pleasure :/

I have a confession. I LOVE THE HILLS! OMG I FRICKIN LOVE IT! I dunno if it's because I grew up in Orlando around girls just like this. Or maybe it's because it's so bad it's good! Well it started its new season tonight and it was grrrreeeeaattt! I know ya'll are like, "What the hell??? This is NOT like Amanda." But dagnammit if I don't love this show Djimon Hounsou ain't packin!!!

[I told you!!!]


freddy said...

Your "watta" status rises one half point...

...but I do love Flavor of Love,
Hypocratic Freddy

Psmith said...

I'm planning on watching that show to see Alicia Keys' mini-show in the commercial breaks. How was that?

the prisoner's wife said...

lol@ the Djimon Hounsou comment! comedy.

just wanted to say i love your sound/swag & am SO pleased that there are b*girls out there STILL reppin for the REAL (grown woman) hip hop heads.


Ave said...

YOU! are alone with this one my nig.....


Oh so your a reality Series Junky Yourself?? Huh Huh lol you be watching them material girls In a material world!!! lol

It aint Nada Tho we all got certain Shows!!!
Im Not Gonna front I got caught in some Series called Hero!!! I wanted Powers and Everything!!! Werd Up!!

Anonymous said...

I understand Deev, you're not alone. I tell myself i'm going to stop watching it but i always do!

Anonymous said...

.... we're you one of them chicks? lol, i don't really care to watch rich folks do nothing

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! not you Deev...let it go!!!

I feel ya taprapper...dont like to watch rich folks...(thats a good way of puttin them)...

Anonymous said...

Ah this is chick stuff

Anonymous said...

Watching rich people worrying if their chihuahua got its massage today? not for me...

Anonymous said...

nope i'm a sista from L.a., Ca, to see that, all i need is drive around L.a., don't need tv for that show.

Anonymous said...

like, omg i rather watch "buffy the vampire slayer" on rental a one * movie