Thursday, April 3, 2008


"would you like a butternut reduction??" hilarical!


Anonymous said...

lol...ya this was creative.
Although,on one end I find auto-tune a kind of short-cut for those who lack vocal talent...but on the other hand, guys like Roger Troutman used it to great effect. And to be honest who wasn't singing along to the ending of "California Love?" imo it has its good & bad

B Reynolds said...

oh wow...this was hilarious! Voice box

Anonymous said...

Had to mention....I can't believe we both like Monsoon Wedding,lol. how random is that?!(saw your profile:)

Don said...

Amanda Diva? The Amanda Diva? No way.

I heart Amanda Diva.

"I got 40 emcees on my block..."

"I wanted to write some hot ish.."

No way this is "HER." said...

in the blog flesh!

Anonymous said...

Haha this is crazy funny - they got any more of these? - like on youtube or something?

Anonymous said...

yea thats true, good and bad all at same time,
does anyone like snoop dog's, song?!
he's just reachin for air, if ya ask me,
like omg "save from drownin, but dudes i have a reality show now"
it sucks...but he got some cute kids!

Anonymous said...

lol, when i first heard that song by snoop, it was in a club hard to believe, and how do you dance to it...
i miss old school stuff

Anonymous said...

:O lol akon say, man i'm lookin right at you.

Anonymous said...

medottie...I actually like "Sensual Seduction." I like when artists try new things and if anyone has earned that right it's Snoop. I think he has always been a fan of that parliament-funkadelic era

Anonymous said...

Yea, it's so different from Snoop other stuff, it needs to grow on me more, my Mom loves it, she from that era.

Anonymous said...

agree with my frank i like this song by Snoop.