I like that you let Harlem speak for itself. WOH was my favorite track on Life Experience and I think that the video was pretty good, though I'd still put the 40 MCs video above it. I'd suggest using a darker filter with a bit of grain. That would give it a nice old school vibe.
Good look on the AHH.com! "Windows over Harlem/blaring soulful sounds/like moving through a timeline/as I stroll uptown"--glad to see you sit down and think out your lyrics. lol....."youuuuuu!!" smh
SEPT 9TH!! New day/new venue! DROM (1st Ave btwn 5th & 6)! FREE HEINEKEN'S @ 8PM!!! LIVE SHOW featuring: Amanda Diva, Homeboy Sandman, & Nola Darling! LIVE PAINTING! If you missed the first one, you HAVE to come get live with us this time!!! LET'S GET SPECTRUM FUNKY WITH THIS HIP HOP SOUL!!
I'd been waiting on this for a minute now.
Feedback soon; for now, I'll start watching.
I like that you let Harlem speak for itself. WOH was my favorite track on Life Experience and I think that the video was pretty good, though I'd still put the 40 MCs video above it. I'd suggest using a darker filter with a bit of grain. That would give it a nice old school vibe.
Good look on the AHH.com! "Windows over Harlem/blaring soulful sounds/like moving through a timeline/as I stroll uptown"--glad to see you sit down and think out your lyrics. lol....."youuuuuu!!" smh
NYC cops found not guilty on all counts in Sean Bell shooting, smh.
I'm aggy right now!
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